Shout out here
On the brighter note, and counting yo!


You can say, we are one bunch of 41 cheerful, bubbly people who study a common combination of triple Science, Double Math and elective Geography. Our class is led by two superb ladies-Classperson, Aini and Vice-Chairperson, Jasmine; not forgetting our Welfare Officer, Winanto. Like every other classes, our class consists of leaders of every club you can think of, ranging from Student Council to Performing Arts to Uniformed Groups! Thankfully, we have all stepped down from our responsibilities and all sprinting towards our common nemesis, the GCE O Level Examinations.

In general, we are nice TTM.

Catch us on Facebook!

Ang Pei Qi, Anginn May, Cheong Hui Shi, Mandy Cheong, Chia Wei Yin, Christine Ong, Grace Chua, Eileen Chew, Estelle Ng, Foo Mian Woon, Jasmine Lim, Lai Sing Lei, Lam Pei Ling, Lim Lin Qin, Lim Wei Le, Natalie Phang, Ng Bao Hui, Nur Azura, Nazira, Nurulaini, Pang Tiew Tian, Ricia Lee, Sheryl Seet, Siti Shaffiqa, Felyna Tan, Tan Wei Ling, Tay Hui Min, Tee Wan Kee, Teo Boon Jun, Teo Tong, Vania Kristella, Ang Yi Ge, Elvin Gan, Goh Wei Ting, Joel Quek , Liew Jia Qing, Sherwin Tang, Soo Yi Hao, Wee Jun Rong, Winanto Wong, Charles Yeo

Happy Birthday
8th: Estelle
9th: Shaffiqa
11th: Vania
13th: Eileen
16th: Teo Tong
24th: Grace
28th: Yi Hao
29th: Wei Ting

19:40 Saturday, July 25, 2009

Title: Welcome to drop.io
introducing, http://DROP.IO/meetthegeekypunks!

Dont know what is that?! Check this video out.

Yeap real-time sharing website.

The holiday homework on rivers have been uploaded there! you can download, or view it on the spot and the best thing is ; you can even comment on it! for example, you spot an error on slide 50, in which i spelled erosion as erossion. Then you can make a note there :D

Isn't this cool :D

SO why are you waiting for !



20:26 Sunday, June 21, 2009

Title: Go Bonkers over Biology
Hey y'all, I came across these while revising for Biology today. Nope, it's not in the syllabus but it's cool to know these. Enjoy.


Retinoblastoma (Rb) is a rapidly developing cancer which develops in the cells of the retina, the light detecting tissue of the eye
There are two forms of the disease; a genetic heritable form and a non-genetic non-heritable form
The most common and obvious sign of retinoblastoma is an abnormal appearance of the pupil, leukocoria. Other less common and less specific signs and symptoms are: deterioration of vision, a red and irritated eye, faltering growth or delayed development. Some children with retinoblastoma can develop a squint.
In children with the heritable genetic form of retinoblastoma there is a mutation on chromosome 13, called the RB1 gene.
The genetic codes found in chromosomes control the way in which cells grow and develop within the body. If a portion of the code is missing or altered (mutation) a cancer may develop.
The defective RB1 gene can be inherited from either parent, however in some children, the mutation occurs in the early stages of fetal development. It is not known what causes the gene abnormality; it is most likely to be a random mistake during the copy process which occurs when a cell divides.

Gene Therapy
Gene therapy is the insertion of genes into an individual's cells and tissues to treat a disease, such as a hereditary disease in which a deleterious mutant allele is replaced with a functional one.
Penicillin (sometimes abbreviated PCN or pen) is a group of antibiotics derived from Penicillium fungi. Penicillin antibiotics are historically significant because they were the first drugs that were effective against many previously serious diseases such as tuberculosis, syphilis, and staphylococcus infections. Penicillins are still widely used today, though many types of bacteria are now resistant.
Protoplast VS Spheroplast
A protoplast is a plant, bacterial or fungal cell that had its cell wall completely or partially removed using either mechanical or enzymatic means.
Protoplasts - Have their cell wall entirely removed
Spheroplasts - Have their cell wall only partially removed.
More generally protoplast refers to that unit of biology which is composed of a cell's nucleus and the surrounding protoplasmic materials.
credits: wikipedia

Mug hard y'all,

12:24 Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Title: Start All Over
I've done this new simple layout, hoping for a new beginning.

Do comment, tyvm.

With love,

21:02 Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Title: We need to talk
Listen 4A,

I'm sorry for neglecting this blog for such an extremely long time but we definitely need to talk. Being an ISC person, the S part of me takes control when it comes to issues like these, I have no courage (or guts) to talk to you guys in class, reason because 1, obviously no one will take what I say seriously and you guys respond by minding your own business and leaving the Class Comm and myself to speak to the walls (tyvm), 2, it's also a chance for me to blog over here, to save this non-living thing from entering the doors of oblivion.

For starters, I thank those who have been constantly checking for updates over here, tagging, and keeping this blog/journal alive for months. Thank you. I also thank those who have uploaded pictures and putting up reminders on homework assignments and such, Thank You.

All i need for you is to constantly refer to this blog. Some of you people complain that it's not updated or rather, it is outdated. Have you ever questioned that mindset of yours, why in the name of 4A, was it not updated? Is there any point of us to constantly review and update over here? Sure we could upload videos on the wonders of Science or formula lists from youtube but will everyone take time off to actually visit this blog? You don't want it to be boring, fine, come visit this site more often. It's not only my responsibility, or, the responsibility of those who have the usern and passw to blog over here. This is our class blog, anyone can update. I've shown you the usern and passw when the blog started, surely if you have forgotten, you could have write us a note on Post-Its to request for the details right?

I'm sorry for being blunt, and I hope I am not hurting anyone's feelings by raining on your parades like that. I sincerely apologise. However if this goes on, I'd rather shut this thang down and we get on to our lives in class, face-to-face, the non-IT-savvy way.

Why not leave this abandon blog over here to rot and be forgotten instead? Because I wouldn't want to image of 4A to be ruined, to be tainted with the impression of sloppiness and a tad possibility of uselessness.

People say, "Choices have Consequences", I'm giving you a choice and I hope you'll bear the consequences in mind.

I am not trying to say that everyone of y'all is at fault. I am certainly not. I just hope that with this, we'll work together as a class to ace the big 'O'. Just like the trainers mentioned, won't the scene be beautiful and splendid if we all aced it together, as a class, a big happy bubbly family?

with love,

PS: for those who haven't noticed that little note pasted on the front door of our tiny classroom, we actually have an English blog. Please do support, for those who ace their essays hands-down, please submit essays and share them with us. It's a little favour I'm asking from you. Thank you.

21:29 Thursday, June 11, 2009


hey 4A, here are the photos taken during the enrichment:)


Layout, version 4
Estelle, Anginn, WeiTing, Jasmine
Host: Photobucket, Picasa, Imageshack, blogger, Computerhope, Cbox, Turbocatrox
Fellow taggers and viewers